Diary of a Grieving Woman: A Poem About My Unpopular Opinion About Strength
I am not strong by choice
I am not strong by desire
I do not wear strength as a badge of honor
Grief hurts
Disappointment aches
Pain is debilitating
The universe’s relentless attack on my well-being is not a battle I’m excited for
I do not wake up looking for my troubles
The anticipation of contending with human perils haunt me
It’s exhausting
I’m tired
My soul wants rest
My soul longs to exist in an environment that is non-contentious
Strength is my inheritance
Strength is the mantle passed down to me from my ancestors
Strength whispers in my ears when I cover my eyes
Strength visits me in my dreams when I refuse to see it in my waking life
Strength follows me like my shadow
Strength has a master key to my locked doors
Strength beckons me
Strength reminds me that there is always more
More to feel
More to gain
More to lose
More to conquer
Strength is a reminder that shit is flawed
Strength is a reminder that there is no other way
Strength is a reminder that the job is always unfinished
Strength is a reminder that I must clean up this mess I inherited by virtue of human existence
Strength feels like my achilles’ heel
Possibly, in another lifetime
I hope to not need strength
An end to war and disharmony
I will be free of its grip because..
I am not strong by choice.